Meridian Health Analyzer is a popularized health analyzer instrument based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The phenomena of the pulse work is of biologic objective, and the Chinese Meridian science can be used for testing physical , mental body conditions and internal organs state. The energy change of internal organs shall be detected by the instrument through twelve meridian acupuncture points within 5 minutes. The instrument scans entire bio-energy levels in the body, analyses and matches against more than 1 million cases and clinical studies in our system, and generates a group of comprehensive health reports, including health overview, potentially encountering diseases and professional health advices.It integrates latest computer technology and clinical experiences over a long period of time.
The operator can accquire the physiological data on the body meridian energy and excess or deficiency syndrome by the operation mode with the humanization interface after short learning.
It has the following advantages:
Professional: Many medical experts spent many years studying a large number of cases and invented this instrument. A lack of energy in the meridians over a long time will lead to organic and even psychological discomfort. With the help of this instrument, it’s possible to detect deficiencies before symptons start to appear. Plus, health care suggestion can be given for necessary treatment. Similar system has been in use for Russian astronauts for over 15 years.
Fast: only 5 minutes to test complete health condition.
Accurate: Over 90% results are accurate, because the system database is based on stern health statistics and built on a large number clinical cases.
Early Health Warning Function: Change of bioelectricity information of meridians can be detected at early stage to prevent illness before appearing evident signs and getting more serious.
Simple: Easy operation, common personnel can master technique of detection and interpretation by short-term training.
Convinent: Test can be done at any time and any place, save time for the patients.
Cost-effective: Reasonable test cost, which shall be easily accepted by the customers.
Safe: Non-invasisve health analyzer without any harm or pain to the human body.
This instrument is an ideal promotion tool for beauty salon, SPA club, clinics, health examination centre, health food/nutrition suppliment/health care products shop, direct selling, massage center, etc. The operator can write out prescription based on testing